
The standerds speech

People have been feeling the need to say that I have no morals and that I will fuck anyone, old and ugly alike. Also that I don't have any standards... that is my least favorite phrase now, "you dont have any standards"

I am so sick of the standards speech can anybody tell me Who's standards I'm supposed to use what disqualifies someone from being able to play with me if they so desire, why should i have to adhere to anybody else's standards, i make my own judgments and while i may play with people you wont, i promise not to rub your nose in what your missing out on because of your standards, what grounds do you judge someone you don't know on, i have many things that do turn me off of people most are personality traits, personal habits or plain stupidity, but i find i am better judge of these traits after i know someone better, i don't mind having been fucked by a rude and stupid person i simply don't allow it to happen again...

I have always liked old guys so that would be who i would prefer to have show up men from 30-60ish the whole mature men thing works for me...

As far as i am concerned looks don't matter near as much as a persons whole self, their attitude and spirit, confidence and desire will out way your physical looks anytime, i have found some of my best lovers in people who you would discard as "ugly" because they are glad to find a truly open minded partner like me so they are more interested in sharing pleasure, and because other people have been cruel or excluded them based on some superficial judgment they understand pain better which makes them kinder and more considerate lovers in my book, and i'm no barbie doll my own self...

I do have morals and really don't think you know me well enough to make that call, i have an incredibly high moral standerd which prompts me to devote countless hours to helping others and improving the world we all live in, i refuse to believe that because my morals aren't offend by sex often and with many people that means i don't have morals, morals to me mean i treat others the way i want to be treated, that i respect others persons and properties, that i value human life and the world that i inhabit, that i practice random acts of kindness every day, to me those are my morals and the kind of sexual satisfaction i find fucking strangers and friends doesn't make me an unmoral person...

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